2015年1月1日 星期四

About Me

Hi I'm Myer= )
I'm an animation enthusiast seeking for insights about Animation, Storytelling and Cinematography.
I'll put my 2D Practice here. Nothing fancy, but to keep improving my posture and motion. Hope you'll enjoy!

If you're interested in drawing 2d Animation, feel free to visit Facebook Group: http://tinyurl.com/sakuga-club/

My 3D Works (Still Images): http://my.opera.com/myer3d/albums
My Animation Works: http://www.youtube.com/user/myer3d/videos
My 2D Animation Tests: http://myer3d-2d-ani.blogspot.com
Collection of Inspirational Animation  Works, Tutorials and Other useful stuffs:

2012年8月12日 星期日

[3D Animation Test] Table Tennis Forehand Sidespin 3D Test Ver 01

Version 01 - 1 single shot

Version 02 - 2 Shots
Ver01 (Beginning of Shot02 Trimmed)
 Ver02 (Beginning of Shot02 Less Trimmed)
